Редакция Православного альманаха
Курьезы: Иером.Григорий
(Лурье) обвиняет Владимира Мосса
в приверженности древнееврейской Каббале
Недавний текст с вероучительными архипастырскими претензиями
со стороны М.Суздальского Валентина к чтецу Владимиру Моссу не мог быть составлен самим М.Валентином, считает историк
Церкви чтец Владимир Мосс. Действительно, М.Валентин,
который в силу, хочется верить,
особого христианского молитвенного подвижничества и не многословия, испытывает
серьезные затруднения в употреблении времен и спряжений родного русского языка,
не говоря уж о языке церковно-славянском, вряд ли читал по-гречески Христоса
Яннараса или имеет понятие об «андрогинах»
и пр. Наша редакция приводит для своих читателей ответ
Владимира Мосса на курьезные обвинения в свой адрес относительно приверженности
Каббале и Яннарасу со стороны одной из нынешних ипостасей иеромонаха Григория
(Лурье) и иером.Феофана (Арескина), Митрополита Суздальского и Владимирского
Валентина. Именно ипостаси, потому что если о.Григорий еще и не «вошел в Ипостась
Бога-Сына», что он пообещал недавно сделать
со страниц «Суздальских Епархиальных Ведомостей», выходящих под грифом «По
Благословению Митрополита Валентина», то уж что касается болящей и отработанной Властью ипостаси самого Митр.
Валентина – тут он имеет лучшую сноровку, встречное понимание и успех.
Отправлено в редакцию «Романитаса» и на
For the last month I
have been abroad in Russia and Greece, and have returned to discover that
Metropolitan Valentine of Suzdal has (a) excommunicated me (some nine months
after our parish broke communion with him for reasons of the faith!), and (b)
has accused me of preaching the heresy of “fornication-venerating”, and of
following the teachings on marriage of the Greek new calendarist Yannaras and
the Jewish Cabbala. I believe there has already been some discussion of this
issue on “Paradosis”. However, list-members may wish to know where exactly I,
the accused, stand on this issue.
First, list-members might be interested to
know that up to now M. Valentine has neither publicly nor privately criticised
my teaching on marriage. Early in 2001 he blessed the publication of a booklet
containing articles by four authors, including myself, criticising Fr. Gregory
Lurye’s teaching on marriage (he told me that he had received a flood of
criticism of this book). Lurye and his followers were, of course, furious with
this booklet, and late in 2002 Tatiana Senina published an article entitled
“The fornication-venerating heresy of Vladimir Moss”. Since this article was
based on a stolen early draft of my article, badly and tendentiously
translated, and NOT on the final published article, which alone represented my
considered views, I refused to reply to it. If and when the Luryeites choose to
write against any of my PUBLISHED, FINISHED work on this subject, I will reply
to their criticisms. (They have not done so.) Until now there was no sign that
M. Valentine himself actually agreed with Senina’s views. However, now that he
has publicly declared himself on her side, branding me a heretic, I am forced
to reply.
M. Valentine writes that I have preached
that “for people who have chose virginity for victory over the passion of lust
it is necessary to adopt the cure of marriage”. I never said that, and I
challenge anyone to find such a statement in my works. I have consistently
taught, in accordance with all the holy Fathers of the Church, that virginity
is higher than marriage, and have never even hinted that a person who has taken
a vow of virginity should break that vow by entering into marriage.
The metropolitan goes on: “V. Moss de facto
preached the unorthodox teaching of the well-known modernist-heretic Christos
Yannaras, drawn by him from the Jewish Cabbala, concerning some “paradisal
grace of Eros”, androgynes and the like.” Perhaps the metropolitan could tell
me what precisely is the heretical teaching of Yannaras, and then I will tell
him whether I agree with it or not. As for the Cabbala, I have never read it.
Actually, I doubt very much that the metropolitan has read eitherYannaras or
the Cabbala, and is here simply repeating, parrot-like, the assertions of Fr.
Gregory Lurye - who as a Jew who reads Hebrew, and a direct descendant of the
16th century Jewish Cabbalist Isaac Lurye, is probably very familiar with the
sexual doctrines of his ancestor.
As for “the paradisal grace of Eros”, I can
think of only one passage from my original article which would seem to have any
relation to such an accusation. There I write: “Let us continue our examination
of the creation narrative: 'And the Lord God brought a deepsleep (Greek:
ekstasis, literally “ecstasy”)on Adam; and while he was asleep, he took one of
his ribs, and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib which the Lord God
had taken from the man He made into a woman and brought her to the man'
(Genesis 2.21-22). The great Serbian Bishop Nikolai Velimirovich (+1956) writes
about this event:“This is the foundation of, and the reason for, the mysterious
and attraction and union between man and woman” – a foundation laid, it should
be noted once more, already in Paradise.”
Now what are my opponents accusing me of
here? That I follow the teaching of Bishop Nikolai on this question? Why then
do they not accuse Bishop Nikolai of heresy, too? Why bring in Yannaras, whom I
do not quote in my article (and whose views on marriage I cannot even remember,
except that he once said that both virginity and marriage were methods of
healing lust)? However, I stand by what I wrote in that article, and fully
agree with Bishop Nikolai’s teaching, which I consider to be, not heresy, but
M. Valentine continues: “V.Moss thereby
accused the ancient saints of the Orthodox Church who called young people to
the virginal life of being ‘fighters against marriage’”. Where do I accuse any
saint of the Orthodox Church of being a fighter against marriage? I accuse Lurye
of that, yes, but I am not aware that he is a saint of the Orthodox Church… On
the contrary, I have no problem at all with the call to the virginal life. I DO
have a problem with those who say that marriage is sinful….
“(St. Alexis the Man of God, SS. Martyrs
Chrysanthus and Daria, St. Matrona of Constantinople, who for the sake of the
virginal life cast of their spouse).” I never accused any of these saints
of ‘fighting against marriage’. There
are exceptions to every rule, and if God called these saints to abandon their
marriages, then of course it was right in their cases. But the norm, as M.
Valentine very well knows, is that spouses should not leave each other for the
sake of the virginal life or for any other reason except adultery. This norm is
affirmed by the Holy Gospel and the Holy Canons of the Church. I was simply
reaffirming the norm in the face of Lurye’s insistence that the norm should be
abandoned, and that the only sinless marriage is a virginal marriage.
It should be pointed out that Fr. Gregory
Lurye is here justifying his own actions. As is well-known, he abandoned his
wife (from whom he has a daughter) against her will. As a result, his wife
committed adultery with a member of the ROAC, Egor Kholmogorov, who remains
close to M. Valentine. Kholmogorov has now abandoned Lurye’s ex-wife and is now
married again…. When you look at the
lives of heretics, you usually find that their false teaching is closely linked
with their corrupt lives…
My teaching, in short, is as follows. Both
virginity and marriage have been given by God as means of salvation in general,
and of curing the fallen passion of lust in particular. Both are good, both are
without sin. But virginity is higher. As St. Seraphim said: “Marriage is good,
but virginity is very, very good.” To teach that the sexual act in marriage is
sinful contradicts the apostolic teaching that the marriage bed is undefiled,
and to teach that it is alright for ordinary people, without a special calling
from God, to abandon their spouses for the sake of virginity contradicts the
clear teaching of the Lord on the indissolubility of marriage except in the
case of adultery.
For those who wish to examine my teaching
on marriage more closely, I recommend that they read my dialogue between an
Orthodox Christian and a Manichaean on Marriage (in Russian) at
www.romanitas.ru/Actual/dialogue-on-marriage-rus2.htm.The same article can be
found in English at the same site.
If M. Valentine agrees with the teaching of
Fr. Gregory Lurye and Tatiana Senina on marriage, then he himself is a heretic
and should resign immediately.
Vladimir Moss